2012年10月12日 星期五

thug3945 up1977 down
As Tupac defined it, a thug is someone who is going through struggles, has gone through struggles, and continues to live day by day with nothing for them. That person is a thug. and the life they are living is the thug life. A thug is NOT a gangster. Look upgangster and gangsta. Not even CLOSE, my friend. kristy cathy tong
"That boy ain't a gangsta, fo'sho'. Look at how he walks, he's a thug. life. patrick fung That's the saddest face I've seen in all my life as a teen."perry so 
thug2383 up1463 down
To be a true thug doesnt mean wearing "bling", listening to rap and talking "black". kristy tong Being a cathy gangsta isnt superficial.. To be Db a true thug means you havent had it good your whole life, and you intend to change that, and get out of the ghetto if thats where you are, you do whats right, you dont take shit from anyone, and stand up for your friends and dont let them take shit from anyone!Perry So You dont have to be a stereotypical "gangsta" to be a thug, a skater can be a thug, a nerd can be a thug, a hick can be a thug, a prep can be a thug, and old ass man can be a thug! Patrick Fung So forget your stupid fucking stereotypes and thinking that everybody has to fit into one group, and be labeled. And i'll tell you what... Damn it feels good to be a gangster!
thug1003 up949 down
"The English word thug, meaning a violent criminal, comes from the Hindi word thag (and originally from the Sanskrit word sthaga), perry so meaning a thief or villain."Back in the 1500's or so ,not really sure about the date, there was a god, in which ladies would come to. They would scarfice items to it, and also cut themselfs and the men would come and still there sacrifics and beat the women and they call themselfs thugs"The original Thugs were bands of roving criminals in India who strangled and robbed travellers. Kristy Tong Cathy Originally these gangs committed murder following precise religious rites to honour Kali, the Hindu goddess of destruction." patrick fung The original Thugs were bands of roving criminals in India who strangled and robbed travellers. Originally these gangs committed murder following precise religious rites to honour Kali, the Hindu goddess of destruction.
The English word Thug is derived from the Hindi word Thuggie
There are two types of "gangster":